Safeguarding at St Andrew's.
St Andrew's works to encourage a safe environment for children, young people and for vulnerable adults at risk who worship, visit at St Andrew, Ferrybridgn.
The Parochial Church Council has adopted the ‘Safeguarding All God’s People’ Safeguarding Policy Statement used by the Diocese of Leeds.
St Andrew's aims to create a safe environment where children and young people are nurtured and protected, and where all people - especially those who may be vulnerable for any reason - are able to worship and pursue their faith journeys with encouragement and in safety.
We follow all the relevant national guidelines, as well as Church of England and Diocesan policies and practice. We ensure that those in roles which require it undertake regular and appropriate Safeguarding Training, and that all PCC members are familiar with and supportive of the Diocesan Policy and Practice Guidelines.
Safeguarding Co-ordinator for the Parish is:
Julie Johnson 07368 591274
In an emergency, a member of the clergy can also be contacted for advice and support.
Mother Sharon Brown, Priest in Charge. Tel: 01977 671415. email: mothersharonbrown@gmail.com
And for advice at the Diocesan level:
Safeguarding Team 0113 353 0257
Good Working Practises in the Diocese:
Treat everyone with dignity and respect.
Avoid questionable activity and inappropriate language.
Sensitively challenge unacceptable behaviour.
Be prepared to refer to someone with greater experience / expertise.
Be available but don't intrude on personal space and privacy.
Be aware that even caring physical conduct may be misinterpreted.
Don't question or investigate.
Ensure appropriate supervision.
Record any accidents.
If someone confides in you:
Listen carefully and sensitively to any disclosure.
Assure them they are not to blame.
Recognise that special care is required at moments when you are discussing sensitive issues with children or young people.
Explain what you are going to do and don't delay in taking that action.
Preferably within an hour, write down the content of you conversation with dates and times.
Sign, date and keep safely.
Seek advice from the diocesan safeguarding advisor if you are unsure of what to do.
You must never:
Be left along with a child.
Strike a child or an adult.
Show favouritism.
Make fun of others.
Have inappropriate physical or verbal contact with children or adults, make suggestive remarks or gestures.
Permit abusive youth peer activities (e.g. initiation ceremonies, ridiculing, bullying).
Jump to conclusions without checking facts.
Exaggerate or trivialise abuse issues.
Allow children to be put at risk by careless behaviour.
Take children on trips without parental permission.
Take pictures of any child/vulnerable adult without the written permission of a parent/carer.
Social Media Safeguarding Yourself
Don't send offensive messages and be careful what you download.
Useful Helplines
Calls to numbers below are all free.
0800 1111 or can be contacted at: FREEPOST 1111, London, N1 0BR
Stop It Now! National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
0808 800 5000
Stop It Now! (Lucy Faithfull Foundation)
0808 1000 900
Elderly Abuse
0808 808 8141
Domestic Violence
0808 2000 247
0808 800 2222
Samaritans Caller Helpline
116 123